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2006.12.11 Updated data for AIP Member: Bogdan Kwolek - the web page.
2006.10.20 The Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology is the Supporting Member of the Association.
2006.01.12 Book: Metody akumulacji danych w analizie obrazów...
2006.09.28 Best presentation award at ICCVG 2006 granted
2006.09.26 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2005 granted
2006.08.07 Updated data for AIP Member: Andrzej Ordys.
2006.05.02 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2005
2006.05.02  TPO co-organises the International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG'2006, Sept 25-27, 2006, Warsaw, Poland
2006.04.29 The official address of the Association has changed
2006.04.10 Updated data for AIP Member: Andrzej Krupiczka.
2006.03.24 New AIP Member: Rafał Kartaszyński.
2006.01.12 Book: Przetwarzanie obrazów - ćwiczenia
2005.12.30 Updated data for AIP Member: Witold Kosiński.
2005.05.12 Updated e-mail for AIP Member: Daniel Zając.
2005.09.02 New AIP Member: Bogusław Obara.
2005.05.25 Best presentation awards at the CORES 2005 conference granted
2005.05.22 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2004
2005.05.12 Updated data for AIP Member: Włodzimierz Kasprzak.
2005.02.26 Poprawka numeru rachunku bankowego TPO: 0123, a nie 0223 w przedostatniej sekcji.
2005.02.19 Dodano informację dla osób zalegających ze składkami.
2005.02.17 Zmiana numeru rachunku bankowego TPO.
2005.02.01 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2004
2005.01.05 Book: Praktyka przetwarzania obrazów w programie Matlab
2004.12.10 Updated data for AIP Member: Daniel Zając: Ph.D.
2004.11.25  Updated data for AIP Member: Janusz Bobulski: Ph.D.
2004.10.14  New AIP Member: Aleksander Owczarek.
2004.10.11 4th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2005
2004.09.30 Some statistics on the ICCVG 2004 conference are available
2004.09.27 Best presentation awards at the ICCVG 2004 conference granted
2004.09.24 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2003 granted
2004.09.17  New AIP Member: Klaudia Jankowska.
2004.07.15 The Best presentation awards at ICCVG 2004 are for young scientists.
2004.05.21 Best presentation awards at the ICCVG 2004 conference
2004.05.13  New AIP Member: Daniel Zając
2004.05.12 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2003 (in Polish)
2004.04.26  Inserted link to the workshop Image Processing in Industrial IT - Methods and Applications, Warsaw, Oct 14-15, 2004 - in the front page.
2004.02.25  TPO co-organises the International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG'2004, Sept 22-24, 2004, Warsaw, Poland
2004.02.24  Updated information on AIP Member: Paweł Kieś
2004.02.19 Zmiana numeru rachunku bankowego TPO.
2004.02.12  Change of the Representative of the Association in the Governing Board of the International Association for Pattern Recognition.
2004.02.04  Updated information after the VII General Meeting of the AIP (in Polish). 
All documents of the General Meetings now available only in PDF.
2004.02.03  Updated information on the AIP authorities after the VII General Meeting
2004.01.26  Updated information on AIP Member: Michał Młodkowski (e-mail). 
2003.09.24 Referat podczas VII Walnego Zebrania TPO: ustalono autora i tytuł.
2003.09.02 VII Walne Zebranie TPO zostało zwołane na 15 czerwca 2001 r., w Gliwicach.
2003.08.20  Updates in the list of members - resignations. 
2003.05.29 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2002 granted (in Polish)
2003.04.28  Updated information on AIP Member: Zdzisław Wiśniowski
2003.04.16  Updated information on AIP Members: Piotr Boguś and Michał Morawski.
2003.04.11 New location and form of the Other interesting sites section.
Updates of that page are not shown here.
2003.03.28 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2002 (in Polish)
2003.03.20  Updated information on AIP Member: Marian Wiwart
2003.03.07  Updated information on AIP Member: Andrzej Krupiczka
2003.03.06  Updated information on AIP Member: Witold Kosiński
2003.02.19  Updated data for AIP Member: Leszek Chmielewski
2002.11.16  3rd Polish Conference on Computer Pattern Recognition Systems KOSYR 2003
2002.10.16  Updated data for AIP Member: Janusz Bobulski
2002.10.15  New AIP Member: Juliusz Kulikowski
2002.05.17  Updated data for AIP Member: Jerzy Woźnicki
2002.10.02 Best presentation awards at the ICCVG 2002 conference granted
2002.10.01 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2001 granted (in Polish)
2002.09.06 Best presentation award at the ICCVG 2002 conference
2002.05.22 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2001 (in Polish)
2002.05.17  Updated data for AIP Member: Jacek Hendiger
2002.05.15  New AIP Member: Janusz Bobulski
2002.05.08  TPO co-organises the International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG'2002, Sept 25-29, 2002, Zakopane, Poland
2002.04.22  Book: Bogusław Cyganek, Computer Processing of Three-dimensional Images (in Polish).
2002.01.03  Update of the legal data of the Association: Register of Associations.
Zaktualizowano składki członkowskie - 2001 rok.
Membership fee updated - 2001 (in Polish).
More information on the VI General Meeting.
2001.12.07  New AIP Members: Jan Borgosz and Bogusław Cyganek
2001.11.26  Updated data for AIP Member: Dariusz Litwin
2001.11.07  Updated data for AIP Member: Włodzimierz Kasprzak
2001.10.22  New AIP Member: Marian Wysocki
2001.10.10  New AIP Member: Krzysztof Krawiec
2001.10.08  TPO co-organises the Conference on Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts EVA'2001, Nov 18-19, 2001, Warsaw
2001.10.06  Book: Zygmunt Wróbel, Robert Koprowski, Image processing in MATLAB (in Polish).
2001.09.13  Updated data for AIP Member: Michał Młodkowski
2001.05.16 VI Walne Zebranie TPO odbyło się 15 czerwca. Wybrano nowe władze Towarzystwa.
VI General Meeting of the TPO was held on June 15. New authorities have been elected.
2001.06.15 New AIP Membes: Przemysław Rokita i Bogdan Smołka.
2001.05.31  Winner of the Best Paper Award at the KOSYR 2001 Conference.
2001.05.30  Winner of the Competition for the TPO Award for the Best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2000 (in Polish).
2001.05.30  Numerous updates in the Members chapter.
2001.05.26 Referat podczas VI Walnego Zebrania TPO: ustalono Autora i tytuł.
2001.05.02 New AIP Member: Bogdan Kwolek.
2001.05.11 VI Walne Zebranie TPO zostało zwołane na 15 czerwca 2001 r.
2001.04.11 Book: Marek Domański, Advanced compression techniques for images and image sequences (in Polish).
2001.03.27 New AIP Member: Witold Suchecki.
2001.02.28 Zaktualizowano nr rachunku bankowego TPO.
2001.02.09 Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year 2000 (in Polish)
Best paper award at the KOSYR 2001 conference
2001.01.23 Zaktualizowano składki członkowskie - 2001 rok.
Membership fee updated - 2001 (in Polish).
2000.10.29 Conference: 2nd Polish Conference on Computer Pattern Recognition Systems KOSYR 2001, May 28-31, 2001, Miłków n. Karpacz, Poland.
2000.10.23 Conference: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP'2001, September 5-7, 2001, Warsaw, Poland.     download and print a poster (PS PKZIP, 68585 B)
2000.06.23 New AIP Member: Maciej Orkisz.
2000.05.21  Winner of the Competition for the TPO Award for the Best Ph.D. thesis of the year 1999 (in Polish).
2000.05.21  Winner of the Best Paper Award at the GKPO 2000 Conference.
2000.05.12  Papers nominated to Best Paper Award at the GKPO 2000 Conference.
2000.05.12  Updated data for AIP Member: Bohdan Wołczak
2000.01.18  Best Paper Award at the GKPO 2000 Conference.
2000.01.17  Award of TPO for the Best Ph.D. thesis of the year 1999 (in Polish).
2000.01.03  Membership dues for the year 2000 are known (in Polish).
1999.10.19 New AIP Member: Paweł Kieś.
1999.10.13 The list of AIP Members updated.
1999.08.31 New AIP Member: Władysław Skarbek.
1999.07.22 New Conference page: GKPO 2000.
1999.07.22 New AIP Member: Marian Wiwart.
1999.06.29 New AIP Members: Katarzyna Stąpor, Piotr Boguś, Andrzej Kasiński, Robert Koprowski, Zygmunt Wróbel.
1999.05.27 Best Paper Award at the KOSYR'99 conference.
1999.05.25 Winners of the competition of TPO for the Best Ph.D. and D.Sc. thesis (in Polish).
1999.05.21 Book written within a grant carried out by TPO (in Polish).
1999.05.18  Updated data for AIP Member: Andrzej Krupiczka
1999.04.11 New location, editor and webmaster of the Other interesting sites section.
From now on, the updates of that page are not shown here.
1999.04.11 Related internet sites - GIS: Manifold System.
1999.03.15  Conferences: NATO ARW CCV&CG '99, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
FLAIRS '99, Orlando, Florida, USA.
CVPRIP 2000, Atlantic City, USA.
1999.03.04  Information on scientific projects: National Contact Point of the 5th Framework of European Research, Poland.
1999.03.01  Workshop: WMR '99, Dolina Chochołowska (near Zakopane), Poland.
1999.02.25  Journal: Optical Diagnostics in Engineering.
Conferences: SIRS '99, Coimbra, Portugal.
MISFV '2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
CISST '99, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Workshop: GREC '99, Jaipur, India.
Image Processing enterprise: The Imaging Source Co.
1999.02.12  Related internet sites: PivNet: Particle Image Velocimetry Network.
1999.02.11  Workshop: MLDM '99, Leipzig, Germany.
1999.02.09  Course: PIV '99, Goettingen, Germany.
1999.02.05 Conferences:
IOWTAMV '99, Oulu, Finland.
IVCNZ '99, Christchurch, New Zealand.
New links to CV pages in the section Other interesting sites: Conferences and Internet libraries, bibliographies.
1999.02.01  Journal: Computational Geometry Journal.
1999.01.25 Conference: WSCG '2000, Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic.
1999.01.21  Association: Polish Neural Networks Society - Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych.
Conference: KSNiIZ '99, Zakopane, Poland.
1999.01.11  Conference: IWSSIP '99, Bratislava, Slovakia.
1999.01.05  Machine Graphics & Vision: Special Issue on Graph Transformations in Pattern Generation and CAD
1999.01.04  Member's dues for the year 1999 added.
1998.12.28  Publisher: Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza PLJ, Poland.
1998.12.22  Conference: ISAS '99, Orlando, Florida, USA.
1998.12.16  Conferences: ICIAP '99: Spec. Session on Graph-theoretic Techn. in CV;
MI '99: Medical Imaging 1999.
1998.12.09  Updated data for AIP Member: Dorota Kozińska
Conference: ETFA '99, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
1998.12.04  Conference: CAIP '99, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Workshop: FSPIPA '99, Budapest, Hungary
1998.12.01  Conferences: ICCV '99, Kerkyra, Greece;
Scale-Space '99, Corfu, Greece.
1998.11.30  Award of TPO for the Best Ph.D. and D.Sc. thesis.
1998.11.23  Journal: Document Retrieval Journal.
1998.11.22  Updated e-mail for AIP Member: Wojciech Tarnawski
1998.11.17  Conference: Photonics WEST '99, San Jose, California, USA
1998.11.10  Updated e-mail for AIP Member: Marek Kurzyński
1998.11.09  Page of the project Standard compliant QUAlity control System for High-level ceramic material manufacturing (SQUASH), carried out by the TPO, has been added. 
1998.11.02  Conferences & Workshops: ISIE'99, Bled, Slovenia;
IWPEIR-OCR'99, Bangalore, India;
T/OMME'99, Saint-Etienne, France
1998.10.23  Conferences: KOSYR'99, Trzebieszowice, Poland (TPO involved);
Interferometry'99, Pułtusk, Poland
1998.10.12  New links in the section Other interesting sites | Scientific projects: founders, information, promotion
1998.10.09  New AIP Member: Lyle Noakes
1998.10.02 New conference: ICIAP'99, Venice, Italy.  
1998.09.23 New conference: ACACSE'99, Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Mexico.  
1998.09.21  New AIP Member: Ryszard Kozera
1998.09.17  Counter visible in the front page.
1998.09.09  Polish sientific publishers: PWN and WNT. Both have an Internet store. 
1998.09.08  Polish fonts introduced in spelling of (nearly) all the Polish texts in the site (ISO-8859-2 character set). 
1998.09.04  Publisher: Wiley InterScience
Journals: Journal of Robotic Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Preliminary info on the conference: Interferometry '99, Poland.  
Link to IEEE added.  
1998.09.02  Updated e-mail for AIP Member: Rafał Foltyniewicz
Conference: SIARP'99, La Habana, Cuba. 
1998.08.27  Most out-of-date latest news removed. 
1998.08.24  Added statistics by World 1000
1998.08.23  Related Internet site: KOLIBER, Poland
1998.08.19  Conferences: QIRT'98, Poland; IECON'98, Germany. 
1998.08.18  Updates in records of Members: Andrzej Materka and Michał Strzelecki
New image processing tools manufacturer: LEAD Technologies
1998.07.22  Links2Go Award   for our WWW page. 
1998.07        The recording of changes started. 

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