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TPO logo     Polish     English Towarzystwo Przetwarzania Obrazów
Association for Image Processing
członek IAPR
Warsaw, 2004.05.21

at the
International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG'2004

* * * AWARDS GRANTED * * *

  1. The awards will be given in two categories: Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, according to the scope of the Conference.
  2. The awards will be conferred for the best presentations of the papers at the Conference, in each of the two categories. The recipient of the award will be the person presenting the paper.
  3. The persons giving oral presentations as well as poster presentations within the Special Session for Young Scientists are candidates to the awards.
  4. The award consists of a seleced, recently published monograph on image processing, and a diploma.
  5. Besides the awards, there exists also a possibility of conferring the distinctions. The distinction consists of a diploma. Besides this difference, the rules concerning the distinctions are te same as those concerning the awards.
  6. The commission conferring the awards consists of the members of the Governing Board of the TPO present at the Conference, members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference and the Chairmen of the sessions. The President of the TPO is the Chairman of the Commission, and in the case of his absence, another member of the TPO GB, designated by the President.
  7. The Scientific Committee of the Conference and the Chairmen of the sessions nominate 3 to 4 papers for each of the awards, on the basis of their scientific merit.
  8. The awarded presentations will be selected from among those nominated. In this final decision the quality of the presentation and the quality of the paper will be taken into account. The decision will be undertaken in the way of the secret ballot of the Commission.
  9. The awards will be conferred and handed after the end of all the presentations qualifying for the competition. This will take place not later than during the closing of the Conference.

The Governing Board of TPO


* * * AWARDS GRANTED * * *

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