Vol. 16 (2007):
Abstracts of Papers
No. 1/2: Special Issue on
Creativity and Visual Design Computing,
No. 3/4: Special Issue on
Novel Methods in Computer-Aided Biomedical Image Processing and Interpretation.
Part I.
Machine GRAPHICS & VISION, Vol. 16 (2007),
No. 1/2:
Special Issue on Creativity and Visual Design Computing.
Special Issue Editor: Ewa Grabska.
Grabska E.:
Guest Editorial: Creativity and Visual Design Computing.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 3-4.
Borkowski A., Grabska E., Ozimek A., Ozimek P., Papiernik K.:
Supporting conceptual design in architecture by linguistic model.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 5-22.
It is shown that linguistic approach can be very useful when
developing software supporting conceptual design in architecture.
Treating primitives, like rooms, as letters of a certain language
and capturing the knowledge about the architecture in a grammar
allows us to implement automatic reasoning. It turns out that
grammars describing hierarchical graphs are best suited for this
purpose. The formalism underlying this approach is presented
together with a prototype software that allows the user to convert
functional requirements into layouts of the designed building, to
visualise the resulting alternative solutions and to select the best
one for the detailed design. The usage of this software is
demonstrated on two examples.
Key words: hierarchical graph, realisation scheme, conceptual design.
Grabska E., Lachwa A., Slusarczyk G., Grzesiak-Kopec K., Lembas J.:
Hierarchical layout hypergraph operations and diagrammatic reasoning.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 23-38.
This paper deals with a new, computer-aided approach to
floor-layout design. The approach proposes: firstly, a specific
layout language with a syntactic knowledge defined by means of
hierarchical hypergraphs; secondly, a correspondence between layout
modifications and hypergraph operations. An initial layout drawn by
the designer is automatically converted into a hypergraph and each
designer's modification to the layout is reflected in the hypergraph
structure. Our new approach is illustrated by a step by step
example, where two complementary representations of the same
floor-layout design are used.
Key words: floor-layout, innovative design, hypergraph,
diagrammatic reasoning.
Bielecka M.:
Syntactic segmentation of function graph type of curves.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 39-55.
In this paper structural analysis of patterns being a special type
of curves is presented. The recognized objects are segmented
according to their structural properties into primitive patterns
representing generic shapes. Then, an algebraic formula describing
the structure of the analyzed curve is created. The description is unique.
Key words: curve description, shape analysis, structural description,
curve segmentation.
Cowell J., Hussain F.:
A syntactic recognizer for Arabic characters.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 57-83.
Commercial OCR systems for
high quality Latin characters are widely available. However, the
recognition of Arabic characters, particularly those of poor
quality, is still an important research area. This paper gives
details of two recognition systems for isolated Arabic characters
based on the extraction of critical features. The limitations of
this approach and its successful extension to a syntactic
recognition system are discussed. The syntactic system uses a new
web grammar, in which the critical features are nodes and a set of
operators describes the spatial relationships between them. The
approach used is insensitive to variations in the size and
orientation of the characters and even the relative lengths of
strokes. The described system has been implemented and the
theoretical behaviour of this approach is supported by the
experimental results.
Key words: syntactic pattern recognition, web grammars,
OCR, Arabic characters.
Slusarczyk G.:
Computer animation in creative design.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 85-104.
The paper proposes a new
approach to graphic design with the use of computer animation. The
class of designs considered are periodic patterns. First, the
characterization of rosettes, borders and periodic planar designs is
given. Then, a generative system which produces a great variety of
periodic designs is equipped with animation. As in-between animation
frames ensure the continuity and fluidity of pattern movement, a
dynamic continuous design space is obtained. The changes in pattern
symmetry groups which result from the use of animation are
described. The role of animation in supporting perception of the
emergent shapes in the generated patterns is also mentioned. The
paper is illustrated by periodic designs produced by the DARTAN
animated generative system.
Key words: graphic design, periodic patterns,
generative system, computer animation.
- Goinski A., Nikiel S.:
The motion of impostors.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 105-116.
We describe a method that brings to life impostor-based
environments. In a typical scene, supporting objects are rendered as
two-dimensional texture maps always facing the camera. Billboards
reduce complexity of objects to high extent. In such a
representation, spatial properties of depicted objects are lost.
Billboards are usually motionless in order to compress the video
memory space. In our technique, we introduce 2.5D morphing with
respect to the memory footprint. Minimum two textures are required
to animate the billboard. Moreover, the whole process is automated
and exploits a programmable GPU. As a result, the main application
overhead is reduced. The method is designed for vegetation modeling,
but can be easily extended to far- and middle-distance shots of humans.
Key words: 3D graphics and realism, morphing,
surface deformation, image-based rendering, impostors, animation, billboards.
- Janaszewski M., Kacki E.:
Feature generation from digital images using
pseudo-fractal algorithm and its four modifications.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 117-138.
The main aim of the paper is to present the authors' original
method of feature generation from digital images and to report on a
comparison of five various algorithms, which implemented that
method. The algorithms are based on an idea by the same authors',
which consists in producing a quantitative description of similarity
intensity between various parts of an image in various scales.
To develop it the algorithms take advantage of fractal coding based
on an Iterated Function System. Therefore, the generated features
can rightly be called similarity features. In this paper we show
that similarity features, when combined with other well known ones,
can improve recognition results in some image classification tasks.
After presenting how the algorithm works, we compare their properties
and report the classification results obtained in two different pattern
recognition experiments. Moreover, the paper contains a discussion
of the obtained results, and of possible future applications of the
similarity features.
Key words: pattern recognition, feature generation,
texture analysis, self-affinity.
- Wang K., Zheng N., Qi H.:
Least square image matting.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 139-152.
This paper addresses the well-known problem of natural image
matting. Most of the previous matting algorithms require the user to
define the tri-map, which is an inconvenient work and sometimes a
burden, especially in a complex situation. This paper uses ceratain
user defined foreground and background strokes to estimate the image
matte. First we use a Gauss Markov random field to model the matting
problem. Then we use the least square optimization approach to solve
it. Experimental results show that our approach could properly
handle confused boundaries. It also could deal with semi-transparent
conditions such as fire etc.
Key words: matting, image processing, least square.
- Ali Md. H., Rahman I.S., Islam M., Shahiduzzaman M.:
Mathematical morphology based automated control point detection
from human facial image.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 153-170.
The ultimate goal of this
research is to incorporate facial animation based on image morphing
in a very narrow bandwidth video transmission, especially in video
conferencing, news telecast etc., where the background as well as
the object in the image change little. As a part of the whole work,
in this paper, an efficient mathematical morphology-based facial
feature control point detection technique is proposed. By facial
feature control point we mean facial feature (i.e. eye, lip etc.)
surrounding points and other important points in the face which can
be utilized to create facial animation based on image metamorphosis.
In the experiment, mathematical morphology tools are used both for
filtering and pattern matching. At first, intensity-independent,
color-based segmentation is used with some morphological processing
on the input image to separate skin regions. Then, the parallel eye
segments are searched by erosion of the edge-thinned image with eye
corner structuring elements. By combining them, the probable eye
segment pair is identified. Then, using facial structural knowledge,
the lips and other control points are detected. The accuracy of the
proposed method is within quite acceptable limits; moreover, the
method is capable of working with images of average quality or close
to average quality.
Key words: facial feature detection, mathematical morphology.
- Bielecki A., Strug B.:
Finding an iterated function systems based representation
for complex visual structures using an evolutionary algorithm.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 171-189.
This paper presents an approach to the IFS inverse problem based
on evolutionary computations. Having a bitmap image, we look for a
set of functions that can reproduce a good approximation of a given
image. A method using a variable number of mappings is proposed. A
number of different crossover operators is described and tested. The
possibility of enriching evolutionary algorithms by a specific type
mechanism characteristic for replication of influenza viruses is
discussed. The genetic material of the influenza type A virus
consists of eight separate segments. In some types of tasks, such a
structure of a genome can be more adequate than representation that
consists of one sequence only. If influenza virus strains infect the
same cell, then their RNA segments can mix freely, producing progeny
viruses which represents the reasortment mechanism. Furthermore,
mistakes leading to new mutations are common. The structure of
problems for which such viral reproduction mechanisms can be
effective are analyzed. The paper ends with some experimental
results showing the images we were able to generate with the
proposed method. The preliminary experimental results suggest that
the introduction of the reasortment operator results in achieving
satisfactory images in a smaller number of generations.
Key words: hierarchical evolutionary algorithms,
image generation, iterated function systems inverse problem,
viral replication, reasortment.
- Rataj A.:
Generalization of raster images containing patterns featuring
stochastic repetitiveness.
MGV vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2007, pp. 191-201.
The issue of reconstruction of missing or unreliable parts of an
image is one of the basic problems in image processing. For example,
there are a number of methods for texture generation on the basis of
a small sample. This paper presents a method that `bottlenecks' an
image processing feedforward neural network so that only some basic
traits of the image are preserved. These basic traits are in turn
used to generalize the image, thus filtering out any unusual parts
of the image.
The ability of neural networks and several other learning machines
to generalize is based on the premise of smoothness of the
generalizing function. Thus, in order to detect advanced patterns
that exhibit complex traits like repetitiveness, instead of training
these machines directly with raw data, transforms of the patterns
like the Fast Fourier Transform are sometimes performed. In this
paper it is shown, that a simple feedforward neural network, without
any pre--processing of the training data, using the described
`bottleneck' architecture, can properly predict a stochastically
repetitive pattern in a raster image.
Key words: generalization, feedforward neural networks,
nonlinear regression.
Machine GRAPHICS & VISION, Vol. 16 (2007),
No. 3/4:
Special Issue on Novel Methods in Computer-Aided Biomedical Image Processing
and Interpretation. Part I
Special Issue Editor: Juliusz L. Kulikowski.
- Kulikowski J.L.:
Guest Editorial:
Novel Methods in Computer-Aided Biomedical Image Processing
and Interpretation.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 205-206.
- Drapikowski P., Czwojdzinski A.:
Geometrical and morphological validation of medical parameters measurements based on 3D surface models
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 207-219.
Medical diagnostics necessitates performing quantitative analysis
and measurements of 2D or 3D data. The length, angle, region area,
3D surface area, and volume are measured to determine medical
parameters. This paper presents an uncertainty estimation for a 3D
surface model created from object boundaries using CT, MRI series of
images. Next, thirty dry bone pelvises underwent the morphological,
classical radiological and CT tests, and were reconstructed in 3D.
Then, the obtained results for selected parameters describing the
pelvis and the orientation of coxal acetabulum were compared. Using
dray human pelvises for validation study is extremely important to
convince physicians that measurements results based on virtual
models are comparable to the same results obtained in the classical
Key words: medical diagnostics, 3D surface models,
- Bialasiewicz J.T., Redmond L.S.:
Medical image compression and analysis using wavelet modulus
maxima decomposition.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 221-235.
A method of highly effective biomedical image compression that
includes the reconstruction process with a good convergence rate is
presented in the paper. It represents an image in the form of its
wavelet modulus maxima decomposition. The technique allows the
compressed image representation to include only those wavelet
transform coefficients that correspond to the wavelet transform
modulus maxima that are determined for each resolution level.
The proposed approach to analysis of medical images uses the wavelet
modulus maxima decomposition to enhance image features that are not
visually apparent. The transient behavior of pixel intensities (that
corresponds to edges and singular points) is used for image
enhancement. The detection of edges is realized by detecting modulus
maxima in a two-dimensional dyadic wavelet transform at the proper
scale. This approach to image analysis aims at determining
structures of the diseased tissue that are represented by the image
edges. It is expected that this technique will help with early
detection of cancer when routine interpretation of CT scans is
inconclusive and biopsy would be required.
Key words: medical image processing, image compression,
wavelet modulus maxima, edge detection, reconstruction from edges.
- Sarker M.H., Sloane A.:
TGSF / TLoG filter with optical flow technique for large motion
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 237-249.
In this paper, detection and segmentation of large motion in
moving image sequences is presented. For detecting motion, the
intensity of each pixel is convolved with the second derivative of
the Temporal Gaussian Smoothing Function (TGSF) or the Temporal
Laplacian of Gaussian (TLoG) filter. The zero-crossing in a single
frame of the resulting function indicates the positions of moving
edges. An intensity change over time due to a small illumination
effect does not produce a zero crossing. Therefore, such changes are
not interpreted as human motion by this method. The optical flow
velocity is computed by using the spatial and temporal derivatives
of this function, and it is normal to the zero crossing contours.
Pixels belonging to the normal velocities are projected back to the
original color image sequences to achieve a segmented color image.
Experiments show that a moving object is detected correctly, and
good segmentation results are achieved.
Key words: motion detection , TLoG filter, zero crossing,
motion segmentation.
- Koprowski R., Wojaczynska-Stanek K., Wrobel Z.:
Automatic segmentation of characteristic areas of the
human head on thermographic images.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 251-274.
In the paper a new algorithm for the automatic segmentation of
characteristic areas of the human head in a thermovision image is
presented. The analysed regions include: forehead, area of sinuses
and back of the neck.
The covered set of approaches, which are mainly algorithms employing
morphological operations, neural networks and methods based on human
head proportions, can provide satisfying completely results for a
doctor's practice in a fully automatic way.
Key words: head, eye, nose, segmentation, morphology,
neural networks, headache, thermovision.
- Przytulska M.:
Analysis of left cardiac ventricle shape variations
based on examination of ultrasound images.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 275-292.
The changes in the shape of the left cardiac ventricle within full
heart evolution cycle in norm and in pathology are described using a
kinetic model programmed and verified on real clinical data. In the
model, information is represented by the so-called shape
coefficients. The time series of the shape coefficients as well as
of differential and normalized shape coefficients of the left heart
ventricle have been obtained experimentally. They are then analyzed
using three different approaches: spectral analysis, direct analysis
of shape coefficients and direct visualization of contractions. In
each of those cases, the aim of the analysis is detection and
recognition of various types of abnormalities, as well as evaluation
of the distance between the detected pathology and the norm.
Key words: cardiac imaging, computer-aided image processing,
left cardiac ventricle's contractility, cardiac walls akinesis,
cardiac walls hypokinesis, cardiac walls diskinesis, spectral methods.
- Nedzved A., Zalesky B., Ablameyko S., Drozd V., Fridman M.:
Joint Analysis of histological and ultrasonic images to lean state
of thyroid gland.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 293-304.
Simultaneous analysis of histological and ultrasonic (US) images
of human thyroid glands for thyroid cancer diagnostics is proposed
in the paper. It allows to explain the characteristics of US
pictures of the thyroid gland via the sizes of its follicles.
To show the dependence of US image features on the state of
follicles, statistical analysis of US-texture is performed.
In addition, the size of follicles in histological images
is calculated by analysis of a distance map for the nuclei of cells.
It is shown that echogenicity of the thyroid gland in US images depends
essentially on the size of its follicles. The organ regions that contain
many follicles of a size smaller than the size of healthy follicles, or
contain many destroyed follicles, have low echogenicity. The same effect is
observed for regions with oversized follicles. This information can
be used to avoid a surgical procedure, including histological analysis.
Key words: ultrasonic and histological images, thyroid gland,
simultaneous analysis.
- Yapa R.D., Harada K.:
A connected component labelling algorithm for greyscale mammography
image processing as a pre-processing tool.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 305-327.
A new algorithm for connected component-labelling is presented in
this paper. The proposed algorithm requires only one scan through an
image for labelling connected components. Once this algorithm
encounters a starting pixel of a component, it traces in full all
the contour pixels and all internal pixels of that particular
component. The algorithm recognizes components of the image one at a
time while scanning in the raster order. This property will be
useful in areas such as image matching, image registration,
content-based information retrieval and image segmentation. It is
also capable of extracting the contour pixels of an image and
storing them in a clock-wise directional order, which will provide
useful information in many applications. The algorithm assigns
consecutive label numbers to different components, and therefore
requires a minimum number of labels. We have used the algorithm in
mammography image processing as a pre-processing tool, and have
demonstrated the possibility of using it for breast tissue
segmentation and for detecting regions of interest in breast tissue.
Another important advantage of the algorithm is that it can be used
as a content-based image retrieval tool for retrieving images based
on the visual contents of a given image. This would be very useful
in retrieving related images from large scale medical databases.
Key words: connected components, blob detection,
breast tissue segmentation, mammogram.
Bator M., Nieniewski M.:
Template matching by means of correlation coefficient for detecting
cancerous masses in mammograms.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 329-345.
The paper presents the authors' experiences with the detection of
cancerous masses in mammograms. The described detection method is
based on the use of multiscale template matching and
multiresolution. As a measure of similarity, the correlation
coefficient is adapted. The main conclusion drawn from the conducted
experiments is that by sufficiently dense scaling of the templates
one can achieve FROC (\emph{Free Response Operating
Characteristics}) curves of the same quality as the curves obtained
in the literature with considerably more sophisticated methods. The
results were calculated for full mammograms of the entire MIAS
database, in contrast to the literature, where the results are often
given for regions of interest or for selected images. Several
options for the templates were investigated, including three
variants based on the hemispherical gray level distribution, as
well as the optimal choice of the increasing scale of templates
covering the whole range of diameters of masses.
Key words: cancerous mass detection, template matching,
multiscale, multiresolution, mammography, MIAS.
- Przelaskowski A., Podsiadly-Marczykowska T., Wroblewska A.,
Boninski P., Bargiel P.:
Computer-aided interpretation of medical images: mammography case
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 347-375.
This paper presents the current limitations and challenges of
computer-aided interpretation of radiological examinations. The
analysis and the proposed improvements in interpretation arose from
our experience, knowledge and observations with the collected
suggestions and conclusions. The emphasized topics are as follows:
computer understanding of human determinants of diagnosis,
characteristics and enhancement of observer performance, diagnostic
accuracy measures of image examinations, computer-aided diagnosis
(CAD) systems, and numerical description of medical image-based
content. All of these diagnosis support concepts can be integrated
into an intelligent diagnosis interface and enhanced, basing on a
formal description of semantic image content, i.e. ontology implied
as a reliable, dynamic platform of medical knowledge, useful for
diagnosis. CAD for mammography and content--based image indexing
supported by the ontology were integrated for the needs of an
enhanced diagnostic workstation applied in tele-information medical
systems. A design of an effective human-machine interface has arisen
as the leading problem of the current challenges.
Key words: radiological interpretation, ontology,
diagnostic accuracy, computer-aided diagnosis, content-based indexing.
- Nomani P., Rahman W.R., Ali Md.H.:
An efficient facial expression detection system.
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 377-399.
In this paper we present an effective and robust approach for
detecting a Bangladeshi facial expression in a 2D image. The facial
expression is one of the most powerful, natural and immediate means
for human beings to communicate their emotions and intentions. Most
of the existing works on expression analysis have been focused on
the facial expressions of European and American people, but these
basic expressions vary subtly with races all over the world. We have
tried to explore this diversity and to automate the facial
expression detection for people of the Indian sub-continent,
especially Bangladeshi people. Consequently, we have recommended a
modified set of AUs (Action Units) defined in the FACS (the Facial
Action Coding System), which is the leading standard for measuring
facial expressions in the behavioral sciences. In this work, we
propose a method to combine feature detection and extraction and
facial expression detection into an integrated system. The main
aspect of our system is that it covers all the criteria essential
for detecting the facial expression of the people inhabiting
sub-continent especially Bangladeshi people. Though the system
concentrates on a particular race, it is also successful to a great
extent with other races in the world, which proves its flexibility
and robustness.
Key words: facial expression detection,
Bangladeshi expressions.
- Kukharev G., Forczmanski P.:
Facial images dimensionality reduction and recognition by means
of 2DKLT .
MGV vol. 16, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 401-425.
Paper presents an efficient dimensionality reduction method for
images (e.g. human faces databases). It does not require any usual
pre-processing stage (like down-scaling or filtering). Its main
advantage is associated with efficient representation of images
leading to accurate recognition. Analysis is performed using
two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant
Analysis and reduction by means of two-dimensional Karhunen-Loeve
Transform. The paper presents mathematical principles together with
some results of recognition experiments on popular facial databases.
The experiments performed on several facial image databases (BioID, ORL/AT&T,
FERET, Face94 and Face95) showed that face recognition
using this type of feature space dimensionality reduction is
particularly convenient and efficient, giving high recognition
Key words: image recognition, image compression,
dimensionality reduction, Linear Discriminant Analysis.
Contest for the best Ph.D. thesis in the domain of image processing in 2006-2007
- Reviewers' index
- Authors' index
- Contents of volume 16, 2007
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Last updated Sep 9, 2008