of published issues
and past issues


International Journal

[MGV cover]
 ISSN: 1230-0535
 Online ISSN: 2720-250X

Machine GRAPHICS & VISION is a refereed international journal, published quarterly by the Institute of Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Life SciencesSGGW, in cooperation with the Association for Image Processing, Poland – TPO.

Machine GRAPHICS & VISION provides a scientific exchange forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of, in general, pictorial information exchange between computers and their environment, including applications of visual and graphical computer systems.

Until June 2013 the Journal has been maintained by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The journal concentrates on theoretical and computational models underlying computer generated, analysed, or otherwise processed imagery, in particular:

The journal publishes:

Editorial Board

Leszek Chmielewski (Warsaw, Poland)

Past Editor and Founder:
Wojciech Mokrzycki (Warsaw, Poland)

Honorary Editor:
Juliusz L. Kulikowski (Warsaw, Poland)

Executive Editors:
Ryszard Kozera (Warsaw, Poland)
Arkadiusz Orłowski (Warsaw, Poland)
Artur Przelaskowski (Warsaw, Poland)
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (Cracow, Poland)

Advisory Board:
Ewert Bengtsson (Uppsala, Sweden)
Prabir Bhattacharya (Princeton, USA)
Dmitry Chetverikov (Budapest, Hungary)
Ryszard Choraś (Bydgoszcz, Poland)
Tadeusz Czachórski (Gliwice, Poland)
Mariusz Flasiński (Cracow, Poland)
André Gagalowicz (LeChesnay, France)
Herbert Goettler (Mainz, Germany)
Ewa Grabska (Cracow, Poland)
Alain Hillion (Brest, France)
Václav Hlaváč (Prague, Czech Republic)
Przemysław Kiciak (Warsaw, Poland)
Reinhard Klette (Auckland, New Zealand)
Ivana Kolingerová (Plzen, Czech Republic)
Viktor Krasnoproshin (Minsk, Belarus)
Marek Kurzyński (Wroclaw, Poland)
Aleš Leonardis (Birmingham, UK)
Witold Malina (Gdansk, Poland)
Andrzej Materka (Łódź, Poland)
Karol Myszkowski (Saarbrücken, Germany)
Hiroshi Nagahashi (Tokyo, Japan)
Mariusz Nieniewski (Łódź, Poland)
Roman M. Palenichka (Quebec, Canada)
Henryk Palus (Gliwice, Poland)
Jan Pamuła (Cracow, Poland)
Wojciech Pieczyński (Evry, France)
Jack-Gérard Postaire (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France)
Vytenis Punys (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Anuj Sharma (Chandigarh, India)
Katarzyna Stąpor (Gliwice, Poland)
Cezary Stępień (Warsaw, Poland)
Mieczysław Szyszkowicz (Ottawa, Canada)
Andrzej Śluzek (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
Vitalij S. Titov (Kursk, Russia)
Karl Tombre (Villers-les-Nancy, France)
Maxim Igorevich Truphanov (Kursk, Russia)
Ventzeslav Valev (Jacksonville, USA)
Daniela Velichová (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Artur Wiliński (Warsaw, Poland)
Adam Wojciechowski (Łódź, Poland)
Konrad Wojciechowski (Gliwice, Poland)
Wojciech Zamojski (Wrocław, Poland)

Editorial Office

Editorial Office, MG&V
Institute of Information Technology
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
ul. Nowoursynowska 159
02-776 Warszawa, Poland
Phone: +48 (22) 593 72 27
Secretary of the Editorial Office:
Karol Struniawski


Institute of Information Technology
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

Subscription and past issues

Since 2012 the issues are available within the open access policy.

A limited number of copies of some past issues of the journal are available for sale. For availability, prices, etc. ask the Editoral Office.

Established in 1995 and maintained until 2009 by Zenon Kulpa and until 2013 by Urszula Kruś
Maintained by Leszek Chmielewski <mgv@sggw.edu.pl>
Last updated November 9, 2021